Category: Uncategorized
Using Termux on Android for Self Hosting? Yes, really.
I thought I had a nice home lab with my thin computer, but now i have a home lab in my pocket. I setup my old Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra as a web server. This has to be the coolest thing I have in my home lab arsenal. The machine is surprisingly performant, small, produces…
My Journey Self Hosting Ollama and Open Web UI to Securely (and Confidentially) Access AI
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is impressive, but the privacy concerns can be very real So this journey begins from where I left off, after setting up my own self hosted server with WordPress, IPv6 and Cloudflare. For a brief starter, incase anyone here is looking for instructions on how to set things up, here’s how I setup…
Self Hosting My Server from My Room
How I setup my own Datacenter in my room on an Unused Laptop So I decided to setup a server, but when I went to the prices on the various major VPS platforms out there (Linode, DO, AWS) I couldn’t stomach spending ~$1000/year on a machine when I had a perfectly fine Macbook Air collecting…